Our first market of 2025 is in just over a week. I can’t wait, it has felt like such a long time of reduced income (my business bank account is very depleted!). I am excited to show the new card designs to my market customers as not all of them follow us on social media. I wonder which designs will be popular?

We have managed to get all the new greetings cards priced up and packed, so I am ready for Hovingham Market on 1 st of March. I will just triple check I have everything I need as it all got a bit muddled up from the Christmas fairs. I dread arriving with no cash float or missing my card machine (or any other very important item). We have run out of paper bags before because I didn’t check, so it won’t hurt.
Events coming up
Aside from the all important birthdays, we have Mother’s Day (or Mothering Sunday as I’ve always known it) coming up. My next stock order will include appropriate cards but in the meantime we do have quite a few floral ‘blank inside’ cards that will be well received on this special day. It’s on 30th of March so make a note in your diary now. I should have the new cards for Sheriff Hutton on the 16th.

We are also heading into peak wedding season as the weather improves (hopefully!) and the days get longer. We will have a good selection of celebratory cards for you to choose from.
I hope to see some of you at markets soon, in the meantime please use my ‘emporium’ online for any birthday or occasion cards you need. As always, 5 or more cards are just £2 each plus flat rate postage.
Cari xx