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Food Festivals and village markets

It’s Monday, and it’s feet up day (although I’m struggling to relax).

After a busy weekend attending Crayke Village Market and Saltburn Food Festival, I need to relax though.  It seems you all love our new humour range and I am almost at the point where I need to restock for the third time – thank you if you were there supporting our small business.  Sunday in particular was a very long day, we got up about half 6 and finally arrived home 13 hours later.  Of course it was takeaway for tea, not that any of us had the energy to eat it!

We were next to the fantastic Lemontop Gin yesterday, and I just had to reward myself for all my hard work last night.  It is highly recommended!  I’m now on the hunt for more cream soda to mix it with.

So, next weekend is another busy one, with a village market and another long Sunday (just a bit closer to home) with the fantastic Festival on the Flatts.  I’m hoping the humour range proves just as popular with the locals!

Cari xx


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