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Mother’s Day and Markets

Mother’s Day is something of a big deal in the UK. We spent a whopping £66 million on Mother’s Day greetings cards in 2023, so of course I was going to get some in stock. They will be with me at my markets while in stock, and are also on the emporium.

At the same time I also ordered cards for Father’s Day, which isn’t for a couple of months yet but I wanted to get organised. I will be sharing those a bit closer to the day.

Our monthly markets have started again, we were at Hovingham Village Market last weekend and while it was busy our sales were slow and steady – perfect for our first market of 2025. Now visitors know we will be there every month it should help them to stock up as and when they need to.

Our next outing is on 16th of March at lovely Sheriff Hutton Village Market. They have started to share details of all stallholders on their socials and it’s looking like a cracking line up – I can’t wait! Fish, cheese, cakes, scotch eggs, and much much more plus talented artists and crafters have already been announced. There’s nothing quite like the buzz of a local friendly market!

Our last market of March will see us back at beautiful Crayke, with the monthly market in the village hall on the 29th. This will be ideal for all those last minute Mother’s Day shoppers, or for anyone unable to visit us at Sheriff Hutton. These three markets are repeated every month, so hopefully we can say hi to you in person very soon!

If you visit us at Sheriff Hutton you may notice that I’ve also treated us to another display rack – while it will only hold a few cards I think it will be quite a useful addition to our display. I just hope it fits between the larger card stands or my husband will be telling me ‘I told you so’.

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We’re on a countdown

Our first market of 2025 is in just over a week. I can’t wait, it has felt like such a long time of reduced income (my business bank account is very depleted!). I am excited to show the new card designs to my market customers as not all of them follow us on social media. I wonder which designs will be popular?

We have managed to get all the new greetings cards priced up and packed, so I am ready for Hovingham Market on 1 st of March. I will just triple check I have everything I need as it all got a bit muddled up from the Christmas fairs. I dread arriving with no cash float or missing my card machine (or any other very important item). We have run out of paper bags before because I didn’t check, so it won’t hurt.

Events coming up

Aside from the all important birthdays, we have Mother’s Day (or Mothering Sunday as I’ve always known it) coming up. My next stock order will include appropriate cards but in the meantime we do have quite a few floral ‘blank inside’ cards that will be well received on this special day. It’s on 30th of March so make a note in your diary now. I should have the new cards for Sheriff Hutton on the 16th.

We are also heading into peak wedding season as the weather improves (hopefully!) and the days get longer. We will have a good selection of celebratory cards for you to choose from.

I hope to see some of you at markets soon, in the meantime please use my ‘emporium’ online for any birthday or occasion cards you need. As always, 5 or more cards are just £2 each plus flat rate postage.

Cari xx

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I finally feel like I’ve settled into the new year

I know for some January feels like the longest month, but it never has done for me. The early part of any new year sees the majority of our family birthdays, so each month is filled with celebrations and card giving.

February of course is best known for Valentine’s Day, and now we are getting a little sunshine here in the UK it feels like Spring is on the way. The mornings are getting lighter, it’s only just got dark when I drive home and I’m planning ahead for when I eventually get my greenhouse cleared.

I don’t have an allotment like the characters on this greetings card, but the raised beds and planters in my small garden give me enough space to grow a few vegetables and berries. This year I’ve even bought a patio orange plant, although I think it will be a few years before it’s big enough to fruit!

I would love to keep chickens like in this retirement card, but I think my Jack Russell would be too much of a threat for them. This year I’m going to grow cucumbers and tomatoes again, plus try a few other plants – any suggestions?

Cari xx

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New card designs have arrived

I ummed and aahhed about whether to order so early, particularly with my first market not running until March, but I wanted to get some Valentines Day card designs available for you all.

These are all in limited quantities so now is the time to order if there’s one you like, as I have free shipping until the end of January (as it’s my birthday month).

I also restocked some of our best sellers including the humour range, and added a retirement card and some wedding cards too. I’m trying to have a broad selection without having too much stock sitting with me for a long time, a bit of a juggling act but I love choosing cards for my shop.

I’m so excited to be booked into all three local markets again this year, we were so well supported last year and the other stall holders were so lovely it’s like we’ve built a little market family. You can see us at Hovingham Village Market first at the beginning of March, then Sheriff Hutton and Crayke later on that month. I’m desperate to get out with the cards again!

Cari xx

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Another year older

but none the wiser!

It’s my birthday this month, and while I don’t feel like celebrating this, I do ‘happy dance’ with every order, so decided to offer free shipping for a limited time.

If you need to restock your birthday card box, have a browse of my store and you will benefit from free shipping (UK only, shipping cost of £3.50 refunded).

Cari xx

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It’s a while since I’ve introduced myself…

so if you don’t know, my name is Cari and I’m a married mum of two now adult daughters. We live with our two cats and dog in beautiful North Yorkshire, UK. I started my greetings card business with Phoenix Trading many moons ago, transferring to Flamingo Paperie when Phoenix closed. Since the closure of Flamingo I have been stocking a wider range of greetings cards and stationery which I sell in person at local markets and events, and online to customers in the United Kingdom. I’m very proud of my business and love choosing which birthday cards to stock for my customers.

My personal favourites are the humour range, I always chose humorous cards to give for birthdays when I was growing up so this is very much in my blood! However I do also stock floral and scenery style cards as well as artist designed cards. You can find our stall at a few monthly markets in North Yorkshire and I’m always looking for more events to attend.

Future plans include increasing our notebook range and stocking other stationery products alongside our birthday and anniversary cards etc. Over Christmas many of our packs of cards are sold in support of charities which is something I would like to expand on in other ways too.

So, that’s a little introduction from me, if you visit any of the markets please say hi, otherwise I look forward to happy dancing when I hear your online order ping!